quarta-feira, dezembro 05, 2007

Ben Sharkey!

Pessoal, como sabem gosto de partilhar coisas que gosto com pessoas que gosto.
Por acidente encontrei este video e a partir desse momento fiquei fã do rapaz. Ele é incrivel, pinta, dança, escreve letras, faz musica e ainda por cima canta maravilhosamente bem. Aproveitem e vejam alguns originais dele. Simplesmente incrivel! http://www.youtube.com/user/bensharkey
Espero que gostem.

So that you can understand what I’ve wrote here.
Guys, as you already know I like to share things that I like with people that I also like.
By accident I found this video and since that moment I become a fan of this boy. He is amazing, he paints, dances, makes music and above all he sing wonderfully well. Take the chance and see his originals. http://www.youtube.com/user/bensharkey
He is simply amazing.
I hope you all like it!

Pipoca (it's the same as Popcorn my nickname)

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Thanks a lot for writing this. It's a great feeling knowing that I have support from people like you. I'm working really hard writing new music and hopefully I'll have an album soon. We'll see how things turn out! You have a great looking blog here, I just wish I could read it! lol! take care and best of luck to you! -bensharkey

Anónimo disse...

what a man!!!congratulations!!!5*****

Anónimo disse...

também encontrei e resolvi pesquisar e me caiu no seu blog!!!
fui atrás do clipe de michael bublé e vi ele cantando..
também gostaria de saber quem é .....

bjimmm e se cuida
